
Jakarta, Indonesia

Traditional Dance Jakarta Indonesia
Traditional Dance 
- Jakarta, Indonesia
National Monument Jakarta Indonesia
National Monument - Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesian School Boys Jakarta Indonesia
Indonesian School Boys - Jakarta, Indonesia
New Upscale Apartments Jakarta Indonesia
New Apartments - Jakarta, Indonesia
Poor Housing Slum Jakarta Indonesia
Poor Housing - Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesia Miniature Park Jakarta Indonesia
Indonesia Miniature Park
Museum Indonesia Jakarta
Museum Indonesia
Girl Women Muslim Bathing Suit Jakarta Indonesia
Muslim Bathing Suit
- Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia (11/7/09) - Hot and dirty, Jakarta is the kind of place you immediately want to take a long shower when you get back. 

Jakarta has an urban area population of about 23 million making it the second largest populated region in the world and one of the densest populated places on earth. Jakarta is capital of Indonesia and its economic, cultural, and political center.

In addition to obvious economic poverty, Jakarta suffers from congestion from heavy traffic, especially in the central business district. Two hour commutes each way are common. To reduce traffic jams, some major roads in Jakarta have a 'three in one' rule during rush hours prohibiting fewer than three passengers per car on certain roads.

Missing the worst of the traffic on the weekend, we visited Jakarta's most recognizable landmark, the National Monument (dedicated to independence) in the central park of the Jakarta. Housed in its base is the National History Museum depicting scenes about Indonesia’s struggle against the Dutch occupation. 

Traffic Jakarta Indonesia
Traffic in Jakarta, Indonesia
We also visited the Indonesia Miniature Park (see photos). Nothing much is miniature about the Park with it many large pavilions representing Indonesia’s over 30 provinces. This is very interesting depiction of village life and architecture from all over Indonesia.

Map of Jakarta Indonesia
Map of Jakarta, Indonesia
Some history... Started as a Portuguese port in 1522, then the British came, and finally the Dutch who stayed here hundreds of years and named the city Batavia. Jakarta (renamed after independence from the Dutch in 1949 after the Japanese surrender in 1945) grew rapidly as an important port and the capital of the Dutch East Indies. 

Jakarta and Indonesia has had a violent history as many groups struggled for power during and after the Dutch occupation. It is peaceful now with elections starting in 2007. Indonesia is still a poor developing country. It will be very interesting to watch future history as this very large nation begins to take its place on the world scene.

Please see our other 3 posts on interesting Indonesia:

Bali, Indonesia

Komodo Island & Dragons, Indonesia

Makassar (Ujung Pandang), Indonesia
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