
Punta del Este, Uruguay

Playa Brava Punta del Este Uruguay
Playa Brava - Punta del Este, Uruguay
La Mano The Hand Playa Brava Punta del Este Uruguary
La Mano (The Hand) on Playa Brava
- Punta del Este, Uruguay
Pat Dunlap Yacht Club Harbor Punta del Este, Uruguay
Pat at Yacht Club Harbor 
- Punta del Este, Uruguay
Beverly Hills Home Punta del Este Uruguay
Beverly Hills Home - Punta del Este, Uruguay
Playa Brava Punta del Este Uruguay
Playa Brava - Punta del Este, Uruguay
Playa Jose Ignacio Uruguay
Playa Jose Ignacio, Uruguay
Homes Playa Jose Ignacio Uruguay
Beach Homes on Playa Jose Ignacio - Uruguay
Punta del Este, Uruguay (2/17-21/2010) 

Now we’re talking - this is one of our favorite places in the world! Welcome to Punta del Este, South America’s glamour beach resort of the world’s rich and famous!

With its high-rise hotel and condo-lined wide beaches, in many ways Punta del Este resembles Miami Beach, Florida. In addition to its miles and miles of beautiful beaches, fine restaurants, upscale shops, beautiful yacht harbor, and the new Conrad Las Vegas-style casino (see photos), Punta del Este has an active and high styled social life with million-dollar villas in its suburbs (one named “Beverly Hills” – see photo of home).

Many condos and homes are used only for a short time during this time of year (February - their summer). Punta del Este's principal tourist area is a narrow peninsular between two wonderful beach areas that go on for miles: (Playa Mansa - calm sea on the Rio Plata river and Playa Brava - a bit rougher on Atlantic Ocean - see photos of the beaches). The city and the beaches are well maintained and spotless.

We went to the beach everyday and played in the nice town of Punta del Este at night going to good restaurants and catching up on our Hollywood movie watching. The ocean water was pretty warm and Wayne swam almost everyday on the beach near Punta del Este’s symbol, La Mano (The Hand), a giant concrete hand sculpture coming out of the sand (see photo). It was a whole new experience for people here when Wayne body surfed a few waves. He received many “buenos” (well done) after a good ride.

Because of the huge tourist attraction of Punta del Este, many celebrities seek more exclusive areas nearby. 

We rented a car and visited two of the most well known - La Barra that looks like Southern California’s Laguna Beach where you find the famous Bikini Beach. Further from Punta del Este, is Jose Ignacio, the more remote and beautiful area (see photos). We also drove further north to visit the even more remote town of La Paloma where you can find much less development much like all Punta del Este was like in the 1960’s.

Please also see our 2 other blog posts for beautiful Uruguay:

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1 comment:

  1. As usual i enjoy you post ...This place is so lovely that i always thinking to visit it as a got some leisure.


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